Saturday, October 15, 2011

Annual flyfishing/painting trip

My brother and I head out Sunday morning for our annual flyfishing trip to northcentral Pa. We do alot of walking, climbing, and crawling along the streams during the coarse of a day,and I like taking my portable paintbox( wood cigar box) with me but by the end of the day it starts feeling pretty heavy so this year I wanted to try to lighten the load a little.  This portable setup is just for my stream  fishing, I also bring an easel and tripod when  back at the cabin.

To lighten the load I am going to leave the box at home.
I have different size pieces of canvas I precut and toned to get rid of the white of the canvas. These I will tape onto a 8x10 masonite panel which will be my easel now, I can prop it up against a tree or a rock or just hold it in my hand. I am also switching paints, going from oils to acrylics. With the fast drying acrylics I won't have to worry about smearing the painting while we are walking to the next spot. I just remove the dry painting from the masonite panel and tape on another canvas.

To help keep the acrylics workable I brought a bottle of Liquitex pallette wetting spray. I was actually looking for a spray bottle to put water in and found this.It is liquid medium. I'll use a small clear plastic pallette to put the paints on.
To wash the  brushes I have a small container of soapy water, a rag and sponge in a ziplock bag for cleanup.
A week of flyfishing and painting sounds pretty good to me. The weather forcast is not as promising, chance of rain each day except Monday.

Will return on Fri afternoon.

Here are some images from past trips.


greggart said...

Love the nocturnes Pat. They are very difficult for me. I do love how you capture the little light that is available. Your moon series is my favorite.

Pat O'Driscoll said...

Thanks Gregg, I enjoyed doing them, I'll be trying more nocturnes in the future.