Friday, December 26, 2014

Original acrylic painting, still life, Blueberry Pie, 8x10

Blueberry Pie  8x10  acrylic

I painted this still life this afternoon while I still had enough natural light coming in the kitchen window.  I used acrylics because I wanted to finish the painting in one sitting and I knew there would be a lot of overpainting, so with the acrylics drying as fast as they do I could paint one layer over another within minutes.

I used a limited palette of cad. yellow med, crimson, ultramarine blue,  phthalo green, burnt sienna, and white.  I couldn't seem to mix an acceptable grey/silver for the pie plate using blue,sienna,white so I mixed phthalo green with crimson for a grey and added varying amounts of white to control the grey values.
I was going to paint the slice last night but it broke apart as I was taking it out, so I said I'll eat... uh I mean paint the rest of the pie tomorrow.

6 comments: said...

What a great still life painting. The dark of the Blueberries gives so much impact. Clever taking out a slice.

Pat O'Driscoll said...

Thanks Julie.

mary maxam said...

I have seen a lot of desert paintings and this is truly a favorite! There is something excellent about both the set up and it!

Pat O'Driscoll said...

Thanks for the kind comment Mary.

Jane said...

You are as good with acrylics as you are with oils , great work ...and the cake looks delicious !

Pat O'Driscoll said...

Thanks Jane, it was delicious too.